Thursday, June 18, 2009

Hospital - Pre surgery

Today is surgery day! This first picture shows Zac before we left the house, he had no idea what this day would bring for him...
Andy is attempting to entertain Zac while in the waiting room. It was a hard task, the poor kid hadn't slept in 5 or 6 hours and hadn't eaten in 8 hours!
Ahh, finally back to pre-op and new surroundings... At least he got some manly purple hospital clothes!
Zac thought the little hospital crib was awesome, he would stand up and shake the bars as much as he could!
Zac in the preop waiting room, it was like an amusement park for him, he was surrounded by any toy he could possibly want. He got pretty tired of it after 2 hours!!
This is Zac and I right before taking him into the OR.
Zac's nurse taking him away...
Luckily neither of us (Zac or I) were a wreck. I was really nervous about this part but I think we have been so prepared that I just knew things would be OK. Zac immediately took to the anesthesiologist, Zac even gave him his turtle! It was so cute... Andy and I are sitting her waiting for some news...


Myers Mayhem said...

What a cutie! I am anxious to know how it went!

Jennie said...

Glad to know things are going well! Your little ones are being Angels :) Love ya, Jennie

Conrad, Michelle, Bronwen, Ava and Cate said...

His little hospital pjs are so small (yet very manly). Hee-hee! I'm excited for how good he's going to feel once he's recovered.

Meghan, Carson and the Kiddos said...

Even though I already know that everything went well, I totally want to cry looking at these pictures knowing that he had know idea what was ahead of him. But then I remember how much easier hie life is going to be and how much better he's going to feel. Love to Zac and all of you!

Kelly said...

Those pictures capture it all. Way to go for not losing it as the nurse took him away. I can't wait to read the follow up!

Toni said...

Hello Hot Doc! I would take to him right away too!!! Seriously, I'm glad you took pictures. It's documentation of his little journey!!! I'm glad things went well and I'm praying for a speedy recovery!

jacque said...

You are brave! I would have been a wreck. I LOVE the pic of him in the hospital pants. Hope things go well for you guys. Keep us posted!

Apryl May said...

Adorable! I love the purple pj's! you look great, Molly! Thin and tan!! and that nurse was HANDSOME! haha