Thursday, December 11, 2008

Star of the Week!

Star of the Week
The highlight of his whole Kindergarten year I'm sure will be getting to be Star of the Week. Hayden has been anxiously awaiting this week since school started. He has gotten pieces of paper and written "All About" at the top and drawing rectangles and drawing pictures in them to use as his poster. When I pulled the poster out of his backpack on Friday he was over the moon excited. I told him we would sit down with some of Mommy's special markers and make the poster really nice. We chose some pictures to print at Costco (he only ended up using one of those because he wanted to draw the rest). Well, Hayden managed to sneak the poster and write his own information on it without me knowing, and it just snowballed from there...

For those who know Hayden well, you know he is not a colorer or a drawer but he wanted to draw everything himself. In the box titled what do you want to be when you grow up he wrote, A Daddy, and drew a picture of a dad. For his favorite place he wrote Disneyland and drew a picture of the Tower of Terror. During the week they have certain things they do, bring a book to read to the class, bring item in a jar to estimate bring a snack to share (he's requested Krispy Kreme donuts), and ask a question for the class to answer and graph. He wrote his question all by himself and even added a second one. They were, what is your favorite restaurant? Red Robin, Taco Bell, or McDonalds. And what is your favorite TV show? Sonic X, Batman, or Superman.
One sampling from his poster
We are so proud of him and we love to see his passion for things shine though!

1 comment:

Meredith said...

I just love that little dude. When he was over yesterday I grabbed him and asked if I could be his mommy now and You could be his Aunt Molly. We even offered to paint stripes of blue and orange on the girls green walls to make him feel welcome.