Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Broken Pinky Toe at IKEA

I know many of you have been anxiously awaiting this post, I teased about it a few weeks ago.

Here's the story...
We had a lot of shopping to do at IKEA, the kids went to the Play area while Andy, Zac, and I went shopping. As Andy was making our purchases, which included a large dresser, and shelf for the playroom, I went to get the kids from the play area. I meet up with Andy at the registers and he is looking at his receipt confused. It turns out the guy took $250 off when Andy handed him a coupon for $25 off. Hmm, we could have walked out but it was Saturday, you know, the day before Sunday. We just couldn't go to church knowing we had walked out. Now if it had been Monday and we had a whole 6 days to repent, that would have been a different story! (You all know I'm kidding right???)

On with the story... The kids and I were standing by our precariously stacked cart while Andy tried to pay the extra money to the manager. As Andy walked over, the box with the dresser in it, slid right off the cart and landed on Hayden's foot. I thought for sure it had broken his ankle or something but luckily it landed right on the edge of his foot. That was a heavy box by the way! I sat on the floor holding him as he bawled, meanwhile it seemed to take forever to get the security medical guy to come and help. We took Hayden to the first aid room where he got his foot wrapped up.

The aftermath
For being so brave, Hayden got an ice cream cone for the ride home.
To top it off, once we loaded the car up, Andy realized that the guy forgot to charge us for two bags of rocks, about $3.00 total. I was so fed up I told him we should just leave. But, he went back in and paid for the rocks...

Hayden's foot is now better, it has been a few weeks. Poor guy has a crooked toe now!


Meredith said...

But with the rocks, had it been a Monday...could you have convinced him otherwise? That is the saddest sight I think I have ever seen!

Shauna said...

Your story reminded me of the Ikea commercial about the lady looking at her receipt thinking she got a steal and yelling at her husband, "Start the car! Start the car!" As they drove away in Bonnie and Clyde style the lady is yelling, "WHOO-HOO!" I have now replaced those faces with yours and Andy's!

Maddy said...

OUCH! Poor Hayden :(