Friday, June 27, 2008

Swimming Lessons!

Hayden did so well in swimming lessons this year. He got to be in the same class as his cousin Lindsay and Friend Ellie. I had fun watching him grow in his swimming skills, he even learned to go to the bottom of the pool and pick up rings. Now he is totally confident when he swims! Poor Brynley was so sad that she couldn't do swimming lessons because she was too young but I convinced Laurel to take her on for the 2nd session.
Brynley isn't exactly swimming on her own but she is totally fearless about jumping in and going under the water and blowing bubbles, she was so good in her swimming lessons and she loved to come to the edge of the pool and say, "I jumped down, mama!". She was very proud of herself and I was very proud about how brave she was! This is how Zac spent his time at swimming lessons!

1 comment:

Meredith said...

I am so glad Bryn did so well at swimming lessons! She is brave...keep an eye on her!