Lindsay and Hayden getting out of the pool after jumping off the diving boards
The kids waiting patiently during the poop fiasco!
Andy and Meredith tending to the babies!
Andy and his cute son Zac!
Lindsay and Hayden getting out of the pool after jumping off the diving boards
The kids waiting patiently during the poop fiasco!
Andy and Meredith tending to the babies!
Andy and his cute son Zac!
Our Old House
We don't have a "new" house yet, we are renting for awhile as we look for the perfect house for our family. It just so happened that right when we were looking for a rental, our Stake President needed tenants in his old house, so that is where we are now. It's a great house but not exactly suited for our family in the long term, the master is down stairs and I have found that a little challenging, so Andy and I moved upstairs to be with the kids. The house is 3100 sq. ft. so we have plenty of room to spread out, it is really nice to have this much space! As we've been looking for a house to buy we have been looking in the 2800-3100 sq. ft. range so this is a good trial run so to speak!
Our Rental
We are really hoping to build again this time around, if you would like to see the plan we are hoping to build, check out this link. It would be elevation C and we would add the 5th bedroom and bathroom downstairs. If the link doesn't work, the plan is called the Silverado and you can just click on that when you are on the builder's website after you click on floorplans. http://www.taylormorrison.com/Community.aspx?CommunityID=307
Anyway, we are pretty excited because Aunt Shelly and Uncle Joe want to build a second home right next door, with a pool! We would be so thrilled to have them living part time right next to us! We are trying to work on a deal with the builder since we would be building two house, so I will keep you all updated!
Moving has been quite a huge challenge and I really never want to do it again, accept of course when we move again in a few months!
Our best attempt at a family picture
Meredith and I with Kate and Zac
Zac was all tuckered out by the end of the party!