Thursday, May 6, 2010

3D Baby Pictures!

A bonus to having complications to this pregnancy are the awesome ultrasounds and pictures that come with it! Today I had my first of weekly level 2 ultrasounds - technology is amazing! The perinatoligist said the baby could not look better. She is measuring a few weeks ahead and is already 3 1/2 pounds... Which they say with this type of ultrasound is quite accurate at this point. My doctor has been really concerned about my amniotic fluid levels but today it measured just a bit above the high end of normal so that is another very good sign! Still no answers as to why I am bleeding but as long as I have been on bed rest, the bleeding has pretty much stopped.

The baby's legs and feet

A profile shot of the baby with one arm by her face, you can see the other hand in the left corner

Another picture almost the same as above but she is almost smiling!

This picture might be a little much for some but I finally feel confident calling this baby a girl. If you can't tell, her bum is at the bottom of the picture, hand is between her leg with one finger sort of pointing to her girly parts!

The ultrasound tech apologized that she couldn't get better pictures, this baby would not stop moving, it was hilarious! What should have been a 45 minute ultrasound turned into almost an hour and a half in order to get all of the measurements needed.


The Evans Family said...

Those pictures are amazing! Take care of yourself Molly.

Lori said...

Oh, she's beautiful! Being able to see her like that made my cry!

Danika said...

I didn't even know you were having complications or were on bedrest (apparently I'm a really awesome friend!). Glad to hear everything is well. Isn't technology amazing?!? I had a 3D ultrasound with Natalie but she kept her hand in front of her face the whole time! Please let me know if I can help in any way...

Rickie said...

I love those pictures. They really did get some great ones. My favorite is those cute, tiny little feet. Can't wait to meet this sweet little girl in person.