Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Last Night

As we were driving in the car last night we were talking with Hayden about what he wants to be when he grows up. Well it started with him wanting a Lincoln Navigator and us telling him he has to make a lot of money to buy one. He said he really wants to be a police man when he grows up so he can help people. We then encouraged him to maybe be a doctor who also helps people. He settled on being a dentist... We shall see.

Brynley pipes in from the back, "When I grow up I want to be a mom so I can go to meetings!!!"

Funny Girl. As if going to meetings is all I do...


Meredith said...

Moms go to meetings...Enrichment meetings, PTO meetings, Golden Wheel meetings, book club meetings, parent teacher meetings...the girl is onto something!

Steve and Sarah said...

haha. Hunter said he wants to be the person at frys who takes the money. He changed his mind when we told them they don't get to keep it. I thought it was a pretty good idea...he was thinking it was easy money, people just give it to you and you don'thave to do anything!

Myers Mayhem said...

Meetings?! So funny! Last year parker wanted to be a dentist, this year a teacher. I'm rooting for dentist! I love that Hayden actually said he wanted a lincoln navigator! I want one too!

Laurel said...

From the mouths of babes! Too funny!

Alison + Brandon said...

Cute! Although the more time I spend having an actual "grown-up life," the more I realize that "going to meetings" pretty much covers it...