Zac had his second birthday on Tax day - April 15th! We let him open two presents that morning... err... he found two of his presents in a Target bag and really wanted them so I let him. He has been obsessed with Toy Story 2 lately and so it was fitting for him to get a Woody and Jessie action figure - he loved them and played with them ALL day!
I was trying to get a picture of him playing but he kept turning so I couldn't get the picture
Brynley loved playing with them as well!
Hayden asked his teacher to make a crown for Zac like she does for all the kids in the class when it's their birthday. He was super excited to bring it home for him - it was so sweet even if his name is spelled wrong!
As is tradition in our family, we took Zac to Red Robin for his birthday. Unfortunately - we got to Red Robin with only one of Zac's red Crocs - but not to fear, we happened to have one of his brown sandals in the car as well. He didn't seem to mind that he spent the rest of the evening in two different shoes - I, on the other hand, was mortified! And of course I forgot my camera. Zac was thrilled when they brought him his own sundae and sang happy birthday just to him - he loved it!
We left Red Robin to go to our other Birthday destination - Krispy Kreme - yum! For those who don't know - you go on your birthday and get a free dozen glazed donuts. Thank you Zac for having a birthday so we could all benefit!
Saturday was the day for Zac's party. Meredith's sister in law Jeannie was in town from Georgia so we decided to combine Zac and Kate's birthdays and just do a small, relaxing family party. We also decided to break in the pool for the season --- unfortunatey, the heat pump broke the day before the party, thus the pool was still pretty cold. Needless to say (most) of the adults didn't swim - except Andy who was needed to supervise Zac in the pool. He is one brave man - that pool was COLD! The kids had a blast - especially Zac who WOULD NOT get out of the pool. That kid is crazy --- though I am super excited that he will enjoy the pool this summer as he hated it last summer!
Please excuse the pink pacifier you will see in most of the pictures! He had just woken up from a nap and wasn't too happy at first!
I was cracking up when I looked down and saw him looking like this!
The kids spent all night outside eating and playing - it was a perfect night and my house hardly got messed up because of it!
We had a great barbecue - burgers, hotdogs, beans, potato salad, watermelon, chips, guacamole - YUM!, and plenty of soda to go around. I made the kids a Strawberry Shortcake Cake (Found on The Pioneer Woman Blog) it was delish. Although I should say the cake was less a kid friendly cake and more a cake for the adults - you can do that when they're 2 and don't know any better! I think most of the kids ended up with Popsicles!
It was a Barney (Kate's favorite) and Elmo (Zac's favorite) party! (these cake picks were the only reference to the theme other than the red and purple balloons!)
Opening presents
Kate with her new shades!
Zac loved the hat Grandpa got him!
They had a great time opening their presents by the end of the night we had a great time celebrating the two little munchkins!
Singing to the kids - this is right before Zac decided to blow out the candle without even giving Kate a chance!
He just noticed Elmo!
Zac's 2 year old Stats (Are you ready for these stats???)
Height - 36 Inches - 90th percentile
Weight - 35 Pounds - 110th percentile!!!
Zac barely weighed 18 pounds when he went in for surgery at 14 months - and was sitting right at the zero percentile. My how this kid has grown! The doctor was shocked when he walked into the room and saw him, he said it was the most incredible change he has ever seen!!! I am pretty sure Zac skipped 2T clothes all together because he is now perfectly fitting into 3T!
As is tradition in our family, we took Zac to Red Robin for his birthday. Unfortunately - we got to Red Robin with only one of Zac's red Crocs - but not to fear, we happened to have one of his brown sandals in the car as well. He didn't seem to mind that he spent the rest of the evening in two different shoes - I, on the other hand, was mortified! And of course I forgot my camera. Zac was thrilled when they brought him his own sundae and sang happy birthday just to him - he loved it!
We left Red Robin to go to our other Birthday destination - Krispy Kreme - yum! For those who don't know - you go on your birthday and get a free dozen glazed donuts. Thank you Zac for having a birthday so we could all benefit!
Saturday was the day for Zac's party. Meredith's sister in law Jeannie was in town from Georgia so we decided to combine Zac and Kate's birthdays and just do a small, relaxing family party. We also decided to break in the pool for the season --- unfortunatey, the heat pump broke the day before the party, thus the pool was still pretty cold. Needless to say (most) of the adults didn't swim - except Andy who was needed to supervise Zac in the pool. He is one brave man - that pool was COLD! The kids had a blast - especially Zac who WOULD NOT get out of the pool. That kid is crazy --- though I am super excited that he will enjoy the pool this summer as he hated it last summer!

We had a great barbecue - burgers, hotdogs, beans, potato salad, watermelon, chips, guacamole - YUM!, and plenty of soda to go around. I made the kids a Strawberry Shortcake Cake (Found on The Pioneer Woman Blog) it was delish. Although I should say the cake was less a kid friendly cake and more a cake for the adults - you can do that when they're 2 and don't know any better! I think most of the kids ended up with Popsicles!
They had a great time opening their presents by the end of the night we had a great time celebrating the two little munchkins!
Zac's 2 year old Stats (Are you ready for these stats???)
Height - 36 Inches - 90th percentile
Weight - 35 Pounds - 110th percentile!!!
Zac barely weighed 18 pounds when he went in for surgery at 14 months - and was sitting right at the zero percentile. My how this kid has grown! The doctor was shocked when he walked into the room and saw him, he said it was the most incredible change he has ever seen!!! I am pretty sure Zac skipped 2T clothes all together because he is now perfectly fitting into 3T!