Thursday, September 3, 2009

Brynley Started Preschool

Brynley finally started Preschool, she has been waiting for this day for a very long time...
Her breakfast of choice for the first day was an egg, over easy on toast. One of my favorites as well so I was happy to oblige!

Posing by the door for her first day of school photos. She is going to a 3-year old preschool at Miss Dawn's house and she loves it so far!

She goes to school at 9:30 so no one was there to take a picture of the two of us together. So, here is our best attempt! Excuse my mass of freckles, obviously I had no makeup on! But look closely and you can see Bryn's cute freckles on her nose!

Zac eating a burger at Brynley's beginning of school special dinner!

Hayden made the "Good Lukc" sign for Brynley, complete with the cute flower he drew!

And here is where I admit to being the worst mother in the world. When we had Hayden's celebration dinner (the night BEFORE) school started for him, we asked Bryn what she would like for her dinner the night before she starts school. She asked for Cheese burgers. I can do that, make my potato salad and beans, etc... Now notice Bryn is in the dress she wore to school and the only side dishes included chips and grapes. I forgot about her special dinner the night before school starts!!! Hayden reminded me when he got home from school that we had forgotten to have burgers the night before. CRAP! Luckily, I had ground beef in the freezer as well as buns (they were a little freezer burned but who cares???) And the only two sides she really ever eats are the chips and fruit, check! Hmm, there's no plate for Andy, maybe he had a meeting, I can't remember. And from now on, we do a combined celebration dinner the night before the first kid starts school!
Brynley - If you are reading this (obviously you will be a few years older looking back) I'm so sorry, don't hold it against me! I love you!

Second day of school


Kathleen said...

that is adorable and the little note almost made me cry. what an adorable little (okay, five isn't so little) family you have there! and is he eating a burger or just dorritos?? congrats, brynley! what a big girl!

Meredith said...

Oh, I LOVE that picture of you guys together! The freckles are so cute - on both of you. I don't have as many as I used to...weep for me.

Myers Mayhem said...

I love how cute brynley looked! Avery dresses for school the same way she went to your house today! I love all the cute freckles. It's a shame your buns were freezer burned, you know you could've made the buns but considering you and Meredith are the only 2 out of...wait, let me count...9 people that have made the buns and hated them, you'll just have to suffer with freezer burned buns! ;) seriously. seriously kidding, wait, i don't know.

Rickie said...

So sweet. She looks so cute all dressed up for her big day. Logan has been looking forward to preschool for like 2 years now. I can't wait for Tuesday to come so he can finally go. What a nice mom to make a celebration dinner!! Your awesome!! You have to show us how to make those chalkboard plates, I am soooo excited!

karen said...

dang your teeth are white and straight, lady! I love how you do Bryn's hair.

And over easy eggs on toast sounds mighty dandy right about now...

Maddy said...

We love Bryn! And what a cute cute dress!!!

Sarah said...

I'm loving the dinner tradition- I think we might start it this year. Brynley looks so cute in both of her little school outfits!

And your smile looks so good! When did you get your braces off?

Clemstock said...

Hey Molly, wow, so much as happened with you guys. I really like the colors in Zak's room. Brynley looks so happy with her first day of preschool!

Burwell's Bits said...

I love the freckles!!! She is so cute and I love her dress. Do they have one in my size?