Saturday, September 27, 2008


There is nothing better than looking outside and seeing this:

Hayden and Brynley both love to swing, we were excited when we moved to this rental because it had a swing set already! I told Andy there is no way getting around it, we will need to get a swing set as soon as we move into the new house. They have so much fun together (they also yell and scream and hurt each other at times...) but for the most part they love playing together outside and it makes me proud to see Hayden helping his little sister like this!


Jennie said...

I have a husband that can help build swing sets!!! He is available starting in January :)

Maddy said...

I can't wait for the weather to cool off just a little bit more. . .

Sarah said...

It is so cute when your kids are actually gettin along- a rare thing around here it seems! All of Brynley's hair-dos look so cute. If I ever have a girl I have no idea how I would do her hair. I can't even do my own!

I'm very impressed that you know how to can. I'd love to learn someday. I had no idea that you can can meat and chicken. My food storage is seriously lagging.